The Class Pay Gap: Data & Analysis 2022


Our research sets out the latest class pay gap figures and includes a breakdown by ethnicity, gender, profession and geographical region, building on previous research by the academics Professor Sam Friedman and Dr. Daniel Laurison who originally conceived of the Class Pay Gap. 

We have worked with leading academic Professor Yaojun Li to review the UK class pay gap data from 2014 to 2021. To ensure its robustness the pay gap figure is an average across all the years we have data for. Class groups including “working-class” are based on parental occupation aged 14, which is the metric recommended by the government’s Social Mobility Commission. Further details can be found below.

The latest class pay gap

This makes 14 November the 2022 Class Pay Gap Day: the day in the year when those from working-class origins who work in higher professional-managerial positions cease earning relative to their peers from a professional-managerial background.

Those from working-class origins earn 13.05% less than their most advantaged peers, meaning they effectively work 13% of the year, nearly one day in seven, for free.

The class pay gap by ethnicity and gender  

Those from professional-managerial origins working in the most prestigious jobs are paid over £51,000 a year, but those from working-class origins in the same jobs are paid less than £45,000 per year. A minus figure, e.g. -£6,718, indicates that the group in question are paid less than those from professional-managerial origins, and a positive figure indicates they are paid more.  

Women are paid £9,450 less than their male colleagues, even when they are both working in higher professional-managerial positions. The data shows there are considerable gender, ethnic, sectoral and intra-elite differences. People who are of Bangladeshi and Black Caribbean heritage are paid £10,432 and £8,770 less respectively than their White peers in the same jobs. 

Socioeconomic BackgroundSalary of ClassClass Pay Gap Within GroupPay Gap Between Groups
Professional-managerial origin £51,460  n/an/a
Working-class origin £44,742  n/a-£6,718
Male£52,638 -£6,667n/a
Female£43,188 -£7,331-£9,450 
White£48,996 -£6,802 n/a
Black Caribbean£40,226 -£3,041-£8,770
Black Africian£45,013 £3,898 -£3,983 
Indian£52,497 -£7,181£3,501 
Pakistani£49,260 -£983£264 
Bangladeshi£38,564 -£4,615 -£10,432
Chinese£53,605£1,116 £4,609 

Class pay gap by sectors  

There are pronounced differences among the ‘elite’ groupings, with the CEOs making the most money and showing the largest class pay gap of £16,749 between those from professional-managerial and working-class origins. They are followed by finance managers with a class gap of £11,427. In contrast, scientists, life science professionals, social worker/welfare professionals, engineers, journalists, and academics are paid much less and show much smaller class pay gaps. Scientists from working-class origins did not suffer any ‘class penalty’ at all. If anything, a ‘class premium’ is found. That is, scientists from working-class origins and working in top-level (NSSEC 1) positions make £4,600 more than their colleagues from professional-managerial origins. The table shows the details of the intra-elite groupings’ earnings and class pay gaps. 

Elite OccupationsSalary of Class 1Class Pay Gap within Group
Doctors£57,393 £3,640  
Solicitors£55,342 £8,115  
Life science professionals £37,853 £1,389 
Management consultants  £52,192 £8,863 
Academics £44,026 £5,807 
Scientists£36,531 -£4,600 
CEOs£73,300 £16,749 
Teachers£45,301 £2,054 
Accountants£45,402 £6,261 
Finance Managers£52,068 £11,427 
IT£51,691 £5,123 
Health professionals£43,068 £1,276 
Eningeers£42,673 £1,982 
Police/fire/army£47,527 £5,229 
Social workers/welfare workers£38,584 £2,088 
Intra-elite groupings’ earnings and class pay gaps

Class pay gap by region  

Regional differences in class pay are shown below, for people employed in the higher professional-managerial positions. 

The data shows that respondents in higher level professional-managerial positions, regardless of their family origins, tend to have higher earnings than their counterparts in other regions, reflecting the capital status and associated higher cost of living in London. The class pay gap is also very big, next only to that in Northern Ireland but in the latter case, it is caused by the rather low pay for those from working-class origins, at £35,136, which is the lowest among all regions. We can also notice that in the Midlands and in Scotland, the class pay gaps are the smallest, at £2,276 and £2,848 respectively. The class pay gaps are at around similar levels in the South, North and Wales, at around £6,000 – £6,500. 

Class pay gap by region for people working in Class 1 

Regional pay gaps 

London £7,713 

The South £6,532 

The Midlands £2,276 

The North £5,896 

Scotland £2,848 

Wales £6,703 

Northern Ireland £8,537 


National statistics socioeconomic classification (NSSEC) 

NSSEC classes  Our classification  
1  Higher managerial, administrative, and professional occupations  Professional-Managerial  
2  Lower managerial, administrative, and professional occupations  
3  Intermediate occupations  Intermediate  
4  Small employers and own account workers  
5  Lower supervisory and technical occupations  
6  Semi-routine occupations  Working-class  
7  Routine occupations  
8  Never worked and long-term unemployed  

A note of thanks and similarities and differences to Friedman and Laurison  

This analysis is inspired by the work of Friedman and colleagues, particularly their 2016 paper that appeared in the American Sociological Review as well as their report for the Social Mobility Commission with Professor Lindsey Macmillan (2017) and their book The Class Ceiling (2021). There are many similarities but some minor differences. We similarly used aggregate data, looking at the overall class pay gap across the years where the data were available, and we kept the same age range and geography as they used, namely, for respondents aged 25-60 and resident in the UK at the time of interview. 

While their analysis tends to focus on one or two years, we cover a much longer time span (2014-2021). There is some year-to-year variation but little systematic change in the class-pay gaps over time. Thus, taking a longer timeframe gives us a more accurate depiction of social structure, even though our main findings are rather similar to those reported by Friedman and Laurison. The overall similarities in findings are greater than the differences between our analysis.  

Our campaigns to raise awareness of the Class Pay Gap